Ukraine Aid

The war in Ukraine is shaking the world. Refugees from the Ukraine have also found refuge in Unna. Some of the traumatized people need help, they have to be cared for and should be integrated. The community “haKochaw” supports the 160 Jews and non-Jews, mostly women and children, who have come to the community until August 2022, not only with friendly invitations to eat together, but also with practical voluntary spontaneous help within the scope of the time possibilities of the community members ; for example when going to the authorities or viewing apartments and supporting the organization of furniture and household items.

For three months, the community was a donation center for clothing and household goods, and several companies made large donations to the community: a food discounter, for example, brought vouchers, and the city of Unna made a donation in kind with brand-new shoes. Everything was accepted with enthusiasm by the refugees. The community also supports refugees of Jewish descent from the Ukraine in applying for simplified immigration to Germany.

“haKochaw” also helps the people in Ukraine itself: thanks to numerous donations in kind, numerous aid transports loaded with medicines, hygiene products, baby food and groceries have already arrived in Ukraine.

Thanks to monetary donations, we were able to buy about a tonne of bandages and medicines from action medeor e.V. and deliver them to a hospital near the city of Drohobych, Ukraine. The costs of necessary operations in Ukraine were also covered. We would like to thank you very much for all donations.

If you would like to donate for the refugees from Ukraine or for aid deliveries directly to Ukraine:

Donation account:
Jewish community “haKochaw” for the district of Unna K.d.ö.R.
Bank: Sparkasse UnnaKamen
IBAN: DE90 4435 0060 0000 1199 33
Subject: Ukraine aid