Project “Deutschland lebt Vielfalt” – “DelVi” 2021-2023
The “haKochaw” community is convinced that people of different origins, religions and social status can live together successfully in our country.
We strongly support intercultural and interreligious dialogue to reduce anti-Semitic prejudice and promote respect for other religions. With this purpose, we offer a wide range of social and religious institutions and groups a variety of opportunities to gain knowledge, experience and emotional impressions of Judaism in Germany.
In 2021 and 2022, especially in the year of celebrating the 1700th anniversary of Jewish life in Germany, numerous events took place, not only in the originally temporary sukkah, but also in the synagogue. The construction of the sukkah has moved forward and has become a place of interreligious and communal meeting. The Jewish community “haKochaw” is a center of extracurricular education for various groups far beyond the borders of Unna.
Combating anti-Semitism and racism, teaching democratic values.
The project promoted young migrants’ understanding of recent German history, particularly the Holocaust. It emphasised the responsibility of each individual to preserve the basic democratic order. Participants were made aware of the need to actively promote democracy and tolerance. The exchange taught them how to treat people with different opinions and religions with respect. The lasting effect was evident in the long-term expansion of their language and media skills, which opened up new perspectives for the future.
Promoting intercultural and interfaith dialogue.
The project promoted intercultural and interreligious dialogue through the creation of a video and a virtual tour of a synagogue. Participants documented their learning about Judaism. These activities promoted understanding of Jewish culture and religion. In the long term, prejudices were reduced and social integration was positively influenced, ensuring the sustainable success of the project.
In 2021, a ’round table’ of supporters of Jewish life in Unna was formed, which is now firmly established and meets regularly.
You can find a virtual tour of the synagogue on our You Tube channel.
Episode 1: Virtual synagogue as part of the project
“Deutschland lebt Vielfalt” – “DelVi” 2021-2023
In the first episode of the virtual synagogue tour of the ‘haKochaw’ Jewish community in the Unna district, presented as part of the ‘Germany lives diversity’ project, visitors have the unique opportunity to explore the synagogue digitally. The episode offers not only a spatial tour of the synagogue, but also a detailed insight into the ritual objects that are important for the religious life of the community.
Episode 1 places particular emphasis on local community life, which is conveyed through vivid explanations. Viewers are not only given information about the architectural aspects of the synagogue, but also a deep insight into the rich traditions and customs associated with Jewish festivals. The presentation of the festivals includes not only the religious rituals, but also the cultural and social aspects that characterise community life.
The virtual synagogue tour is not only an informative experience, but also serves to promote understanding and appreciation of the diversity of Jewish life. The digital presentation reaches a wide audience and the episode helps to break down barriers and build bridges between communities. The ‘Germany Lives Diversity’ project thus makes an innovative contribution to intercultural understanding and tolerance.
This episode 2: “Life History Interviews with Immigrants- Portraits”
was produced as part of the “Deutschland lebt Vielfalt” – Germany Lives Diversity project and with the support of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).
Episode 2 of the “Life Story Interviews with Immigrants – Portraits” project as part of project has made a significant contribution to creating an inclusive and respectful community. By focusing on the diversity of life stories and experiences, a deep insight into the personal stories of immigrants was made possible. Sharing these stories had the clear aim of promoting understanding between different groups and breaking down prejudice.
The interviews provided a platform to showcase the individual perspectives, challenges and successes of people with a migrant background. By telling these stories, a vivid picture of diversity in society was created. The project not only promoted recognition and appreciation of different backgrounds, but also helped to break down barriers between groups. Overall, the project made a valuable contribution to creating a society where diversity is seen as a strength and where people from different backgrounds and experiences can work together towards a respectful and inclusive future.

Thank you for your feedback!
Your feedback is important to us so that we can continue to improve the organisation and content of our events.